Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Captain's Blog 020508

I came home from school today and I got bombarded with questions from my Uncle Tone. He asked, "which way did you walk in the morning? did you go around my car? what time did you come home? what time did you leave?". Then i walked to his car to see what he was cleaning, and in exact words with a sharpie marker, it said, "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WIFE" all across the driver side. I was just thinking, wooow.. Someone definitely got some beef against 'em or has the wrong dude.

Chinese New Years Eve is tomorrow, I will be skipping school and working morning shift per my mom's request. I have to go with her to the bank to sign some account papers in case anything happens, which i pray to god.. won't happen. Then some dinner. She will be leaving to Hong Kong on Friday. She was supposed to go because her eldest brother was sick in the hospital, but she has just received a call today that her brother has passed away. She called me and told me and you can tell she has been crying. I feel bad for her. I don't like seeing her this way.

I haven't actually seen him since i was 6 or so, so my memory of him is very cloudy. I knew he drank, he smoked, he cracked jokes and he had about 6-8 children. He was a good guy and this is the 3rd brother my mom has lost, but the first she has lost in the past 20 years.

R.I.P Uncle
You're in a better place now.

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